A healthy mind is a precedent for a healthy body

Healthy Body + Healthy Mind = Happy Life

The Fit India Movement was launched on 29th August 2019. It was started by our Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi. The main idea behind this is to keep everyone healthy. Prime Minister requested everyone to use stairs.

He asked for everyone to exercise daily. It is said that walking is more efficient for our health rather than taking a transport. We must motivate our family members to exercise daily. Involving ourselves in different sports activities on a daily basis will help us motivating. The spread of Fitness awareness as “Jan-Andolan” was done by our Prime Minister.

Daily exercises, yoga, playing games both indoor& outdoor are essential things.

Maintaining an exercise routine at home can seem more like a ‘should’ than a ‘want to’

Everything that our body does is, a result of commands being given by our brain. These commands get processed in several stages and cause lot of allegations which finally makes our body act the way it does. Inversely, our body also affects our brain. The body is full of nerve endings which send signals to the brain according to which our brain reacts further. Moreover, even our internal organs are regulated by the brain, and they also send signals to the brain based on which the brain sends further signals to the organs causing them to respond accordingly.

Healthy and positive mind is extremely beneficial, healthy body can do more physical work; a healthy mind can do more mental work.

Student life is also full of ups and downs. Students are advised to not only study but also dedicate sometime of their day for playing games involving the use of physical strength.  Thus, to maintain a healthy mind, it is essential to maintain a healthy body, including internal organs, and vice versa. The more we shape our body, the more our mind gets shaped. Physical fitness is extremely beneficial optimum physical exercise helps to maintain a healthy body, eternally and internally by regulating blood flow, increasing the oxygen- carrying capacity of blood, keeping toxin from the body as well as by regulating various other biological phenomenon that take place within the human body.

Schools being the first formal institution after home where physical fitness is taught and practiced. Keeping in mind the above concept GSCS has always showed interest in the health and fitness of every student. Apart from education students are given practice to do warm up exercises, meditation, yoga, aerobics, karate etc. to maintain their health.

A healthy body always helps to keep a person happy and active all the time. Thus, all-round development is a must, and this includes keeping one’s body healthy for a healthy mind.